Wednesday, December 22, 2010

It's over, YOU LOST.

Today(or I guess yesterday now), Obama signed the act which repeals "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" in the military. A month or two ago, a federal judge ruled that Prop 19 is unconstitutional. Discrimination against gays is slowly coming to an end. So why, I ask you, why do people continue to fight it?

As long as it may take us, our society has a way of slowly correcting its wrongs. Gay marriage WILL eventually be legal. Gay couples WILL eventually be able to adopt. And discrimination, let alone blatant hatred, towards LGBT individuals will one day no longer be tolerated in any institution or public setting. That's not to say it will be completely eradicated, since racism and sexism still exist despite great strides, but gays and lesbians and transexuals will be able to be open about who they are without needing to fear an immediate backlash from their family, friends, peers, or coworkers.

It's so tedious. Why do people have to try stand in the way of what's already a reality? The time and energy they waste spreading homophobia and hatred could be so much better spent doing good. I guess it's easy for me to say that when I've been raised to accept homosexuality, but I just can't understand what anyone can have against two people, who love each other just like anyone else does, making a commitment to one another and spending the rest of their lives together. There's just no argument that can hold up against it. It's love, damn it. It may be cliche and lame but that's what it is and saying it's unnatural or evil isn't going to stop it from happening. I'm sick of it, there are literally THOUSANDS of other issues that should be taking up our attention! Can't we just get past who has sex with who and just move on to the bigger picture?

Anyway, this is a video a friend of mine showed me. She's gay, and I think this really helped her not to feel alone back when she hadn't told anyone. Whatever your opinions, Harvey Milk was a pretty inspiring guy, and what he says applies to any minority or group of people who face obstacles.

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