Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I've been wanting to start this for some time now, and a sleepless night like tonight seemed like as good a time as any. Hopefully I won't disappoint myself too much with the lack of wittiness I produce. I think, at least for now, this is really just for my benefit anyway. Living so far away from home has been an adjustment, but not to the extent I thought it would, so I'm not promising anything fascinating or, like I said, witty. Just do me a favor, and go ahead and lower your expectations.

While I've never had success with journals, it would be nice to have a sort of safe place to store my thoughts. Just realized the irony of that statement, given that the internet is by no means a "safe place" to store personal information. Oh well.

I definitely don't need another outlet for procrastination right now either, but this has to be a better waste of my time than facebook, right?

I look forward to exploring the graphic possibilities on this thing, as well as to developing the literary "voice" that I never felt like I mastered in any of my previous writing experience.

In conclusion, I'll leave you(or rather me) with a cartoon a friend of mine found the other day, which perfectly sums up my nightly experience with the dining hall dessert tray...
I find it thoroughly amusing. God I hate raisins though. 

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