Thursday, February 24, 2011

I MUSTACHE you a question...

...but I'll shave it for later. 

Who doesn't love a good pun? Especially when it involves mustaches- Thus begins my long-winded explanation of my fixation with mustache-humor.

I speak, first and foremost, about the phenomenon knowns as fingerstaches(I've only recently found out that this is the official name, which was depressing considering I had previously thought that my friends and I came up with it). If you don't know what I'm talking about(though I think you do, since I only know of two people who read this blog and they are definitely both well aware), then I suggest you educate yourself, because you are missing out my friend. Below, you will find a visual manifestation of what I'm talking about.

As you can see, one merely draws a mustache upon the index finger(using a sharpie or what-have-you), and then places said finger betwixt the nose and mouth, in a manner mimicking the actual presence of a mustache. 

Fingerstaches are hilarious. Plain and simple. In fact, I think the simplicity of the concept is really the key to its humor. Perhaps it's just the fact that something so commonplace can be made to look so utterly ridiculous, merely by tattooing it temporarily onto a bodily appendage, that makes it so enjoyable for me.

And it doesn't stop there. Oh no. Out of finger staches there has emerged a slew of mustache related items that are now being produced to my utter . Since my friends and family are fully aware of my stache-obsession, I now own all of the following items:

  • Various adhesive mustaches from vending machines. 
  • A removable, full-form fake mustache- purchased in a novelty store in Cleveland.
  • A mustache mug- picturing famous mustaches belonging to such individuals as Salvidor Dali, Mark Twain, and Freud... as well as Frida Kahlo's eyebrows.
  • Fingerstache tattoos- including various styles and sent across the country to me by a friend in Pittsburgh who knew that it would mean that much. 
  • A gigantic mustache magnet- I have yet to figure out what to do with this Christmas present, besides clearing everything else of the fridge and sticking it on there, because it would literally take up that much room. 
  • And now, at last, a mustache joke t-shirt!-actually the same joke that I began with, and sent to me just yesterday me by my friend in Denver, who saw it and bought it for me without hesitation, for which I am forever grateful. 
Honestly, the variety of mustache t-shirts out there right now is astounding. Every single one is hilarious. I'm quite fond of mine, though. I would probably wear it every day for the rest of my life, if only society was accepting of such things. Every other object imaginable also now comes mustache-themed. I know this because every few weeks(and sometimes multiple times in a day) I'm sent pictures or texts of mustache-themed jokes, signs, jewelry, and etc from friends.

I would like to add that, despite the sheer giddiness a good fingerstache induces in me, I do not particularly enjoy them in their natural state. That is, I'm not really attracted to facial fuzz on an actual person. Not disgusted by it either, indifferent really, but I just wanted to make sure it's clear that I DO NOT have any kind of mustache fetish. I'm no freak, thank you.

In conclusion, this probably won't be the last mustache post I write, so this really isn't a conclusion. I think I was just gushing with mustache-fever, prompted by what I received in the mail yesterday. This is probably THE longest post I've written as of yet. Not sure if I'm particularly proud of that. Let's face it, I could write a book about my love for all things mustache............

...more word on book deals later.

Hope you enjoy this Coley!

Monday, February 14, 2011

I've been rather neglectful.

I was assigned a blogpost today for my assignment, so naturally I was thinking about my neglected blog here. I guess part of the reason I neglect it is because I still don't know what the point of it is. So far I've just been talking about myself and whatever random things are on my mind. I don't know, maybe that's the definition of a personal blog. Hopefully I'll do better from here on out...

It's Valentine's Day, so I suppose I could go the predictable route of posting kitschy songs or something, or going the other direction entirely by branding the day as a materialistic ploy or declaring my defiantly proud single status.

I don't really feel like doing either, though. Valentine's Day is nice. I don't feel the need to go on and on about it, but I've always enjoyed it. It's a good reminder to tell your friends and family that you love them - and vice versa - since we usually don't stop to do that. I actually am listening to a cute little VDay song a friend sent me... and I may have just sent a sappy facebook message to my friends back home.

I'm not going to say that I'm overly happy to be single. I don't have a problem with it, and I'm certainly happy the way things are, but it would be nice to have someone around who gives you butterflies, or who you can brag to your Grandma about. I'm not longing, but I guess I can't say I'm not looking.

Ok, I lied. I'm going to post a cute valentine that a friend of mine sent me. She knows how stressed reporting for the newspaper has been making me, so this was quite appropriate.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Oh that's right, I have a blog!

I'd love to go ahead and tell myself that I'm going to keep up more regularly, but I'd only be lying to myself if I didn't recognize the fact that I'm only posting right now because I should be doing other things.

I have a daunting amount of untouched homework right now as well as an article due for the newspaper tomorrow, and on top of being a source short I have no idea what I'm talking about in it. I'm writing for the our school newspaper now. It's pretty exciting, my first article was published on the front page on Tuesday. That was really cool. I really only co-wrote the article with a more seasoned reporter that I was shadowing, but it was still pretty exciting.

Even though the pay-off is rewarding, writing the stories themselves is proving to be ridiculously stressful at the moment. I know I'm still learning, but I really hope it's going to get better, and by better I mean more interesting/I'll have more of an idea of what I'm doing/I won't procrastinate as much/I won't make a complete ass of myself. We'll just have to wait and see I guess. One thing I can assure you right now, it's going to be a looooooong semester.